CPM Staff Tutorials

Sort Site

Updated on

This article describes how to install SortSite software, how to run a report including various options,  and how to process a report.  Last updated: 4-02-2021

Installing Sort Site software
  • Please ask Kim or Carol for the email with the links to download the full version of SortSite Pro.
  • Installation: Located in 1Password
  • Mac - before installing, run SortSite Pro -  from the downloaded DMG holding down the option key, to prompt for a new serial number
  • Windows - please uninstall SortSite Pro -  before installing the upgrade to display a prompt for a new serial number
  • Please enter, or copy and paste, the serial number(s) during installation:
  • [contact Carol or Kim for serial number]
  • Should you have any questions please contact us at: [email protected]
Running Sort Site Report

Click on Sort Site icon to run.

Set up Scan Options

In Checkpoints section

  • Errors:  Uncheck Errors and Broken Links
  • Accessibility: Select WCAG 2.2 AA (see image below)
  • Compatibility: Uncheck Compatibility
  • Privacy: Uncheck Privacy
  • Search: Uncheck Search
  • Standards: Uncheck Standards
  • Usability: Uncheck Usability


Blocks section: This section where you will paste in a block list of websites or links you don't want the Sort Site report to run through. See "eBook Options & Running Report" or "HWH Reports" section in this article for more information.

Link section: See link options below. Update Limit to first '0' links.

Reports Section:  Increase the maximum pages shown and maximum line number (see below).

Advanced section: leave the defaults.

Ebook Options & Running Report
  1. Copy eBook URL and paste in Sort Site address bar.  This is the URL you wish to check.

2.     Log into eBook as a student using:

Username: sortsitestudent

Password: sortsitestudentS1

This userid is setup as a student account with all the eBooks.  It does not have admin privileges. Navigate to the landing page of the eBook you want to scan.

Log into eBook as a teacher using:

Username: sortsiteteacher

Password: sortsiteteacherS1

3.     Go to the eBook you want to run the report on.  In this example, we are going to the CCA landing page. (See below)

4.     Next, go to your Scan Options and the Link Blocking box to edit, copy, and paste your specific eBook block list.  eBooks in the list will be blocked.  

The list below contains all the the eBooks you don't want to scan for. Notice in the example below for the CCA ebook,  CCA is not included in the list.  

You can find block lists in the google drive below under the eBook you are running the SortSite report on.  There should be a block list for the eBook and HWH.



You must edit the block list for each new eBook you run a Sort Site report on.

5.     To run the report, click Start check.

Report will process:

When the report is complete, the screen will look like this:

HWH Reports

Running HWH SortSite report is similar to running an eBook report but with 2 changes.

  1. Modify the Link Blocking list for HWH site blocks.

See below sample Block list for CCA HWH:


2.    Change the SortSite browser's URL to homework.cpm.org and select eBook:

You can now Start Check to run the report.

PDF Report

1. Check the Accessibility settings by clicking 'Scan Option' on the left panel.

2. Click 'Accessibility' tab and make sure the following checkboxes are checked and then click 'OK'.

  • WCAG - The version should be 'WCAG 2.2 AA' (as of 03/28/24). Change the WCAG version if needed by clicking the dropdown menu.
  • Section 508
  • PDF/UA - Matterhorn Protocol

3. Click 'Open File'.

4. Locate the PDF file and then click 'Open'.

5. Click 'Start Check' on the left panel.

Create Report for Current Page

You can create a report on a current page of the eBook or Homework Help site to see WCAG issues.

For eBook:

Log into eBook using

Username: sortsitestudent

Password: sortsitestudentS1

Go to the eBook page you want to run the report on.  In this example, we are going to the CCA Lesson 4.2.3. (See below)

To run report, select "Current page" and click Start check

The report will process similarly to running a report for an entire eBook but it will be faster and report only the issues on that one page. (sample below).

For Homework Help:

Go to https://homework.cpm.org and click on the eBook -> lesson -> and specific homework problem.

You will then choose "Current Page" and click Start Check to run a report on the current homework help page.

Wild Cards

If you get the error message while running a SortSite report (see below), it's a problem with the wild cards (*) in your block list.  

For example, if you want to run a report for the CCA2 eBooks or Homework Help sites and you get the error message saying "this site cannot be scanned", this is because while you have removed CCA2 in your block list, the CCA eBook is still included and interfering with the block.

To fix this, you need to edit the block list line for CCA by adding the '&' to replace the missing character:

*category/CC/textbook/cca&* (for Homework Help website)

*.php?title=cca&* (for eBook website)

Save the changes to your block list and your CCA2 report should scan now.

NOTE: This will run the two books (CCA and CCA2). Sort the Google sheet by "URL" column and delete the rows that contain "cca".

Save and Export the Report

1. Export report.

2. Save as CSV (Issue Report).  This file is used in creating SortSite reports in Smartsheets.

3. Save the report as a SortSite file to refer back to later (file ends in .schkd).  You can open this file in SortSite to get detailed information on SortSite Errors.

Processing Sort Site report data

New procedures for creating SortSite reports in are in this Google sheet.


1. Importing and Setting up SortSite data into Google Sheets
  1. Go to Google Drive and locate the PRJ - WCAG 2.1 folder. Click on the "eBooks" > "eBook SortSite Reports and Checkoff sheets" folder. Select which eBook folder you will be importing the data into.
  2. Create a Google sheet in the eBook folder. Name the Google sheet <date> <eBook name> SortSite data (example 3.24.2021 CC1 SortSite data). Please specify in the title if it is for the eBook or the HWH site too.
  3. Click on the "File" button at the upper left corner of the Google sheet. Choose "Import" > "Upload" > "Select a File from your Computer".

4.   Import your Sort Site report .csv file and at the pop-up window choose "Replace Spreadsheet".

5.    After your data has imported into your sheet,  delete the “Accessibility” and “MIME Type” columns in the Google sheet.

6.    Now you will move onto the next section which is creating your Smartsheet.

2. Importing SortSite Report Data into Smartsheets
  1. Go to Smartsheets and find the WCAG workspace folder.
  2. Locate the Smartsheet Sortsite Report Template and save as a new sheet. Naming standard <Date> <eBook> SortSite Report eBook or HWH (example: 3.15.2021 INT2  SortSite Report eBook or HWH).
  3. Make sure to save the new Smartsheet SortSite report in the appropriate eBook folder.

4.    Go back to your Google sheet with all of your SortSite report data.

5.    Copy the first 500 lines of the Google sheet into the Smartsheet column “Guidelines”. Make sure to start copying the data from line 2 because line 1 is the Google sheet’s headers.

6.     Delete the 500 lines you just copied from in the Google Sheets to ensure we don’t accidentally copy duplicates into the Smartsheet.

7.     Repeat steps 5 and 6 until you have copied all of the data into Smartsheet. Save the Smartsheet. (We do this because Smartsheets will not let us copy more than 500 lines at a time).

8.    Restore the Google sheet to the original data when you are done copying the data over onto the Smartsheet.

3. Formatting and Editing your SortSite Report Smartsheet

1.   Delete the “Line”, “Detail”, and “Target URL” columns in the Smartsheet

2.   Order columns after Guidelines: Count, % Complete, Comments, Description, Help, URL, Reference, etc...

3.    Edit the "Start" and "Finish" columns. Double click on the "start" column to put in the date you have started the sheet.  Click on the "finish" column and select a date about 2 years away from now. Ex: Start column 4.2.2021. Finish column 8.30.2023.

Select both columns, click and drag all the way to the bottom of the sheet until all lines of data have been filled with the same start and finish dates.

4.   Now go to your "Guidelines" column and click on "Sort Rows" by Ascending".

After sorting your guidelines, this will be easier to separate them into main issues categories.

Now start editing the “Guidelines” column and label the guidelines issues into categories

  1. Insert 1 row above each category and label appropriately.

Ex: All errors with “WCAG 2.1 A 3.1.1” should be grouped into one category titled “A 3.1.1”

  • These categories should match what guidelines error types are listed on the WCAG HISTORICAL TIMELINES & Matrices sheet
  • Errors such as "F30", “F68”, “F49”, “F78”, etc. are sub criterions under the main guidelines error. To find out the main guidelines error (success criterion) the sub criterion are located under, click on the URL in the “Reference” column
  • The URL will tell you sub criterion error “F30” is under “Success Criterion 1.1.1 and 1.2.1”
  • Group all F30 errors into one category labeled “AA 1.1.1 & 1.2.1 (F30)”

2.    In each Guidelines Section add the formula “=SUM(children())” in the Count column next to it. This will add up the errors under each Guidelines Section.

3 .   Make sure all of the conditional formatting is working and the percentages are correct. 

4.    Insert a new row at the top of the Smartsheet. Title the row “eBook Name WCAG”.  Indent all of the Guidelines sections under this first row. 

5.    Add a “1” in the “WCAG” column next to each guideline section.

6.    Paste in the WCAG column the WCAG % formula: “ =(50 - SUM(CHILDREN())) / 50”

This will calculate how accessible WCAG is for that specific eBook/site.


7.   In the “Responsible Team” column, assign which Guidelines category to the appropriate team

Common issues tech team can fix are errors F2, F49, F91, F65, F89, etc.

Reference the WCAG Criteria Master List: Identify Dev/Tech Issue to identify which Guideline issue goes to which team.

8.     Under the “Assigned To” column, assign who in the tech team fixes what guidelines error.

9.    Whoever fixes the guidelines error must make sure to mark off the “Date Completed” column.

10.    Use the "Comments" section to write down how you fixed the error, if we are choosing to ignore it, or why it cannot be fixed.

 This is an example of how a completely set up Smartsheet report should look like ( CCA eBook SortSite Report)

11.    After you have finished setting up the Smartsheet report, go back to the WCAG HISTORICAL TIMELINES & Matrices Google Sheet and mark down the guidelines errors your report shows in the "Matrix" tab.

Also please make sure to document what you did (ex: running the SortSite report, creating the report, what issues, etc) in the appropriate historical timeline sheet tab.

After you have set up your Smartsheet and processed all the issues remaining that need to be fixed, refer to Editing eBook WCAG Issues as the next step.

Adding Spanish data to Smartsheet

Run the Sortsite report for the Spanish eBook or HWH.

Update the Smart sheet (This example is for an eBook):

  • Record the date that the English ebook was run on the header line.
  • Update the Smartsheet title to add Spanish eBook.

Copy the sortsite data into a Google sheet.

Sort the Google sheet by priority & guideline.

Modify the Google sheet columns to match the Smartsheet column layout.

  1. Delete columns:  Category, priority, detail, line, target URL
  2. Insert 3 new columns after count for WCAG, % complete & comments.  
  3. Order columns after comment to match the order in the Smartsheet.

Note:  Pay attention to the order in the Smartsheet.  It may not be in the same order as this example.

  1. Copy data from Google sheet into Smartsheet under Title for Spanish eBook. (See image below) Remember, only 500 rows at a time.
  2. Format the data as normal. (See instructions above for 'Formatting and Editing your SortSite Report Smartsheet'

Add the date the sortsite report was run on the eBook header line.

Updating WCAG Progress Board
Setting the dash board to Edit mode
  1. Click the "Edit Dashboard" icon.
  2. Hover the mouse on the eBook/HWH widget you want to edit and click the 3 dotted icon to open the menu.
  3. Select "Edit".

DO NOT click the refresh button on the widget. This will revert the sheet back to previous version.

Linking to Data Source
  1. On the Metric Widget panel of the dash board click "Change" to import the data from SmartSheet.
  2. Select the Smartsheet you want to link on the "Select a data source" panel.
  3. Click "OK" upload/switch the data source.
  4. Click "OK" to close the Select Data window.
  5. Click "Save".
Setting the widget behavior to open the data source

This will set the widget to open the data source when the widget is clicked.  

  1. Select "Edit" on the widget menu.
  2. Click the Widget Behavior dropdown menu and select "Open the data source".
  3. Click "Save".
Editing the widget
  1. Select "Edit" on the widget menu.
  2. Click "Change" on the Metric Widget panel to open the data source.
  3. Select the cell you want to link to the widget and click "OK" to close the window.
  4. On the widget, hover your mouse to the unwanted data source and click "x" to delete.
  5. Click on the title of the data source and change the text to "eBook" or "HWH".
  6. Change the format of the percentage to match format of the data source.
    6.1   Click the percentage data.
    6.2   Select the painter tool on the tool bar.
  7. Click "Save".
Updating  Sortsite Smartsheet after Tech eBook/HWH fixes

After Techs have made all the fixes to the eBook or HHW marked on the Smartsheet, run a Sortsite report.

Save the Sortsite reports as a .csv file.  

Import the file into a Google sheet and sort by priority and guideline.  Look on Google sheet for the URL that was fixed on the Smartsheet.  If you can't find it on the Google sheet, the error has been fixed.  Otherwise, investigate why the error is still showing up.  In some cases, you will have to add new errors like below.

Record the date of the Sortsite report and what you did.


Note: Some errors (for example tile tables) we are ignoring the recommendations and leaving the row and as is.  Make a note that we are ignoring the WCAG recommendation. (see example below)

When an error has been resolved, delete the row from the SortSite Google sheet .  If all the issues for  WCAG error have been resolved, change WCAG on the error heading section from '1' to blank.  This will update the WCAG percent that is linked to the dashboard.

Don't forget to SAVE your changes.

Next Article Editing eBook WCAG Issues