NOTE: Accounting Staff should NOT have the Accountant Role. Instead give them the CPM_Admin Role.
- Go to
- Login
1.1. To add an employee: Click the '+' button at the bottom of the screen of users.
1.2. Fill the form:
- Username: firstlast no punctuation
- Password: firstlast
- Then, click 'Create'.
2. Add the New Employee to a Group:
- Be sure to click 'Direct add members'.
- If you invite, they have to accept, which usually they do not!
2.1. Fill the form:
- Use the new employee's CPM email address.
- Add a note to let them know they will be able to get information about their group through the group menu and the CPM Intranet!
3. Add the New Employee to ELS.
- Login as yourself.
- Select 'Users' in the 'CPM Records' menu.
3.1. Before adding, check to see if the employee has already been added to ELS in a different role.
3.2. Create a New User:
- Click BLUE button 'Create a New User'.
- Make the password the new employee's firstlastname.
- When they login, they will be requested to change the password.
3.3. The following are the settings for a Teacher Leader.
For an RC, the branch permissions would be 'administrator'.