Each IC1 closure chapter has 4 parts :
1. Making Connectons
2. Checking Understanding
3. Summarizing Learning
4. Pursuing Perspectives
(See below.) These 4 topics are displayed in 2 rows of columns on the 3 tabs:
Lesson at a Glance
Lesson (student)
Teacher Lesson
The Lesson at a Glance tab contains:
1. 'Choose one of the options for Chapter closure' title.
2. The 4 closure options. (Note: make sure these options link to the Lesson at a Glace tab for each option.)
The Lesson tab contains:
1. Content from the google document for the lesson tab
2. The 4 closure options (Note: make sure these options link to the Lesson tab for each option.)
3. Reflection & Practice section: paragraph and table.
The Teacher Lesson tab contains:
1. Content from the google document for the Teacher lesson tab
2. The 4 closure options (Note: make sure these options link to the Teacher Lesson tab for each option.)
3. Reflection & Practice section: paragraph and table. This is the same information that is on the Lesson tab.
Make a lesson container for the Reflection & Practice information (paragraph and table). This information will repeat in the chapter closure. Create it once and add or link to it when you need it.
Four C3PO lessons should have been created for the four parts of the closure section
Making Connections Lesson container will have 3 Pages just like a regular lesson:
Lesson at a Glance
Student Lesson
Teacher lesson
Create the Lesson at a Glance, Student Lesson and Teacher Lesson as you would an IC1 lesson. There are 2 additional steps
1. Add a link back to the main chapter closure page under the heading. These are phantom lessons and do not display on the eBook bar on the left. It needs a link back to the main page.
The Lesson and Teacher Lesson tabs will also need a link back to the main chapter closure page
2. Add the Reflection & Practice table to the bottom of the Lesson and Teacher Lesson tabs.
Note: You created this content container in chapter lesson. Create a rp_table content container in Making Connections lesson and link to the container in the chapter closure lesson.
Repeat the instructions for Making Connections.