This procedure is for updating the TNT pdfs requested by the writers to the static server.
- Asana: TNT for IC
- Asana: Accessibility
- Smartsheet: IC1 PDFs Accessibility (Active 2024)
- Smartsheet: IC2 PDFs Accessibility (Active 2024)
- Smarthsheet: IC3 PDFs Accessibility (Active 2024)
- Tutorial: PDF Example: Tools and Topics
- Tutorial: Accessible PDFs
1. Open the Asana request.
Asana Link: TNT for IC
2. Download the file.
Click the comments and look for the Dropbox link from Erin Utter. This will the the updated file from production team.
3. Update the file in Static server and in Google Drive.
Check the date of the file (it should be the current date) and if file name was not changed. File name MUST be the same so that link will not break.
3.1. Click the file from your Downloads folder and drag it to the Static server.
3.2. Copy the file from your Downloads folder and paste it in Google Drive.
Path: DDD-Tech Team → Accessibility & WCAG → IC Pdfs → Non Accessible Original PDFs → IC# non-accessible Pdfs → <folder>
4. In 'TNT for IC' Asana sheet, move the task from 'Upload to Static Server' to 'Static Server Updated' section.
Asana Link: TNT for IC
4.1. Change your view to 'Board'.
4.2. Click the task under 'Upload to Static Server' section and drag it to'Static Server Updated' section.
5. Update the IC# PDFs Accessibility (Active 2024) Smartsheet.
- Smartsheet: IC1 PDFs Accessibility (Active 2024)
- Smartsheet: IC2 PDFs Accessibility (Active 2024)
- Smarthsheet: IC3 PDFs Accessibility (Active 2024)
5.1. Expand Tools and Topics.
5.2. Change the status of the file from 'Complete' to 'New Version'
5.3. If there is an image change and there is an associated alt text, inform Renae to check and update the alt text if needed.
6. Update the course specific Accessibility sheet in Asana.
Asana Link: Accessibility
6.1. Mark the task incomplete by unchecking the button.
6.2. Add/change the date under 'Updated Version from Production Team' column to the current date.
7. Convert file to an Accessible PDF.
Tutorial: Accessible PDFs
7.1. Go to the 'Comments' section in Asana and check the changes.
7.2. If changes is only footer: (tutorial coming soon)
7.3. If other changes, convert the PDF from scratch.
7.4. Update the chapter specific files in Static server and Google Drive with the Accessible PDF version.
Google Drive Path: Path: DDD-Tech Team → Accessibility & WCAG → IC Pdfs → Accessible Final IC PDFs → IC# Accessible Pdfs → <folder>
Google Drive Link:
7.5. Update the 'IC#_TnT_all.pdf' file.
This MUST be updated AFTER updating the chapter specific files.
8. Update the IC# PDFs Accessibility (Active 2024) Smartsheet.
- Smartsheet: IC1 PDFs Accessibility (Active 2024)
- Smartsheet: IC2 PDFs Accessibility (Active 2024)
- Smarthsheet: IC3 PDFs Accessibility (Active 2024)
8.1. Update task status from 'New Version' to 'Complete'.
9. Mark the task complete and update the date under 'Accessible Version Uploaded to Static Server' column in Asana Accessibility sheet.
Date will be the day you uploaded the accessible version to the static server (NOT the file from production team).
Asana Link: Accessibility