CPM Staff Tutorials

New Customer Pilot Sheet Set-up from a Generic Pilot Sheet

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Alert to set-up a new customer Pilot sheet

The Pilot Liaison will use the Generic Pilot Sheet created. Once the Pilot Liaison completed the information needed in the Pilot sheet, Pilot Liaison will create a Freshdesk Ticket to set-up a new customer Pilot sheet. The Pilot Liaison will include the Generic Pilot sheet to be used and the name of the new customer pilot sheet. The ticket will then be assigned to the tech.

Rename the Generic Pilot Sheet

1.  Open the Freshdesk ticket assigned to you.

2.  Open the specified Generic Pilot sheet.

3.  Copy the name for the new customer Pilot sheet from the Freshdesk ticket to the following places in the Pilot sheet.

a.  Tab name

b.  Row 1 - Task Name column

4. Hyperlink Row 1, 'Task Name' to itself by copying the URL link from SHARE.

5.  Update RC name on Row 22 if it hasn't been changed.

6.  Save the Sheet!

Share Pilot Sheet with the Regional Coordinator (RC)

1.  Click the 'Share' button.

2.  Enter the name or email of the RC under 'Invite Collaborators'.

3.  Click the 'Permissions' dropdown and select 'Viewer'.

4.  Copy the message below and paste it to 'Personal message (optional)' textbox.

Message: "This Pilot is currently being setup. Feel free to view the Pilot progress at any time."

5.  Click the 'Share Sheet' button.

Move Pilot Sheet and Update report

1.  Move renamed Pilot sheet from 2019-2020 Generic folder to 2019-2020 folder.

2. Add Pilot sheet to '2019-20 Pilots by RC'  report.  Click on 2019-20 Pilots by RC report


3.  Click on Report icon to modify report.

4. Click 'Where?' to access list of Sheets and Workspaces.

5. Navigate to 'Pilot Sheets 2019-2020' folder.  CLICK on Renamed Pilot Sheet to add to report.

6.  Save.

8. Run Report add new Pilot sheet to report.  

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