This article describes necessary procedures for editing the CPM Org Chart using Draw IO.
1. Open the Org Chart
- Boot Draw IO
- For tutorials, go to:
- Open existing --> ORG Chart
- Or goto: Team Drive -- PRJ - Org Chart
- Direct Link:
2. Save edits as follows:
- Save within the folder: TECH FILES - ORG CHART
- Make a pdf for viewers when finished editing.
- Note this team drive has VIEWERS and EDITORS. (The viewers can do no harm, but we, the editors, can really mess things up. Be careful!)
- As a precaution and to have history, always start by resave the file as the next version keeping a copy of the original. That way we have history or if a mistake is made, the original is not altered! e.g. v11.4
3. Be sure to complete the training on Draw IO before getting approval to edit the Org Chart.
4. Save as a PDF
- Tabloid (279mm x 432mm) (11in. x17in.)
- Fit to one page
- Landscape