CPM Staff Tutorials

Editing eBook WCAG Issues

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Last edit (3/31/21)

WCAG Smartsheets: Location and Use

The list of WCAG issues are located in the Ongoing Tech Projects Smartsheet.


Choose the eBook WCAG Smartsheet:

The WCAG errors are listed with the team responsible to correct the errors.  Expand a guideline that Techs can fix.


1.  Add your name to Assigned to

2.  Update the date completed

2. Document what you did in the comments section.  (provide location or problem number)

3. The Count column shows how many issues for that eBook page need to be fixed.

4. The URL links to the eBook page.

5.  SAVE your work.

Table Issues:  A 1.3.1 F91 &  A 1.3.2 F49  
1. Change Table Row to Header

In the example below, add a header to table. Adding a header will solve the WCAG F91 error.

In C3PO, highlight the top three cells in the table (header) and use the Header icon.

In the example below, move the content out of the table and then delete the first row. Make new first row as Header.

Add a header to a horizontal table too.  The Safari screen reader does not read a horizontal table the same as a vertical table.  That is ok.  Adding a header to a horizontal table removes the WCAG F91 error.

Add a header in C3PO to the horizontal table.  SAVE your work.

2. Setting Guiding Questions and Chapter Outline Tables to Presentation

Setting Guiding Questions table and Chapter Outline table should be set to  presentation. Highlight each table and click on the gear icon to edit the table properties to presentation only.

3. Remove Equations or Images from Tables

Notice the table outlined around the equation. We will need to remove the table.

You can click and drag the equation out of the table or you can cut and paste it out.

Note: Images may also be grouped in a table.  Move the images out of the table and delete the table.

4. Updating Tile Patterns

Each tile pattern should be set to:

  1. Square Cells
  2. Fixed width (Note: the standard column width is 35, but reduce to 30 or 20 if you encounter sizing issues)
  3. Presentation Only should be unchecked.
5. Convert Tables to Columns in Math Notes

Math notes that are in tables should be converted into columns.  Test the responsiveness of the column by using the screenreader in the eBook.

6. Updating Generic Rectangles

Here are some examples.  More examples are in C3PO Style Standards under tables (line 207) https://app.smartsheet.com/sheets/HqgQRWxvJgHmrmXRvgCRq74cqqfP8vwmRH79CW51?view=grid

Generic rectangles require invisible screen reader text to be on. We put alt text into each square so the screen reader reads out the location of each expression correctly.

Table properties: Check Presentation Only

7. Convert Closure Vocabulary Tables to Columns and Bold

Each row is a C3PO column.  Test the responsiveness. Each vocabulary item also need to be Bolded.

eBook example:


8. Remove Nested Tables

The screenreader does not read nested tables well so we must remove it. Check through the Lessons, Answers, and Teacher Notes tabs in C3PO to make sure all nested tables are removed.

A nested table looks like this down below: It is a table within another table.

After you remove the nested table, please make sure the content that used to be inside the tables still makes sense. For example, if it was a table divided into different problem parts and with multiple data tables inside, please use columns to separate the problem parts and then use tables inside.

Tables within columns, and columns within columns are OKAY to use.

Tables within tables are NOT OKAY to use.

Image Issues: A 1.1.1 F65
1. Image is Missing Alt Text

Check the Images page in C3PO to make sure all of the images are either set to presentation or have alt text written.

1. This image had its presentation off and was missing alt text.

2. Go to the Images Smartsheet for your particular eBook and locate the alt text written for the image. If there is no alt text written for it, ask Carol or Renae to help write it.

3. Copy the alt text and paste it into the left line. Click Save.

2. Image is Aligned to the Left or Right

Another F65 issue is if the image is aligned to the left or right.

To fix this, we double click on the image and put the image inline.

After you set the image to be inline, compare the placement of the image to how it is in the PDF.

The PDF has the image on the right side. To do this, we use two columns and put the text on the left side and the image on the right side.

Save your work.

Duplicate CheckBox Titles: AA 2.4.6  

Fix the issue by changing the Checkbox text to be unique.

Note:  In some cases it's a better practice to combine Hints, help or answers that are broken up too much.  Use your judgement.

Add eTool title: A 2.4.1

CPM eTool is missing title.  Add eTool title to embedded eTool.  See example below

Desmos eTool defined as Embedded Content Properties need to be changed to Desmos Graphs.  Copy the URL from the Embedded Content Properties box. Replace the Embedded Content Properties with Desmos Graph.


Add language to page: A 3.1.1

eBook is missing language properties on a page.  Access Content Properties on the eBook page in C3PO

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