CPM Staff Tutorials

CPM eBook Preview Set-up Multi-user PIN

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Set-up Email Notifications

2. Click 'Tools' from the Toolbars menu.

3. Select 'Notification Rules' from the list.

4. Click 'A user submits a form' and 'Email - right away'.

5. Click 'Save' button.

Access Email Template and Compose New Email

1. You will receive a CPM eBook Preview Set-up Request via email (see image below for sample).

CPM eBook Preview Set-up Request

Note: The 'Ebook Event RC PIN Letter' consists of an email template and list of Regional Coordinators and their designated regions.

4. Compose a new email.

5. Copy the email template from page 1 of the Google Doc and paste in your new email.

Note: Make sure to insert your professional email signature.

6. Edit the copied email.

Copy the BCC: to the BCC: line to your draft email.
From the Google Sheet: copy the RC email address from the ‘Submitted by’ column and paste it to the ‘To:’ email line.
6c. From the Google Doc (second page): copy the full name of the RC and paste it to the ‘<RC NAME>’ on your draft email.
6d. From the draft email: copy the last name of the RC, go to the Google Sheet, double click the cell under ‘Preview Name’ column to edit, and paste before the Preview Name followed by an underscore ‘_’. Then, copy the new ‘Preview Name’ and paste it to the ‘Subject:’ line and ‘<Event Name>’ on the draft email.
From the Google Sheet: copy the ‘Start Date’ and ‘End Date’ and paste them to the ‘<Start Date>’ and ‘<End Date>’ on the draft email.
From the Google Sheet: copy the local site from the ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Names’ (if provided) columns and paste them next to ‘<RC Name>’ on the draft email.
From the Google Sheet: copy the local site's email from the ‘Email’ column and paste it to the ‘To:’ email line (next to RC’s email).
From the Google Sheet: copy the other CPM employees email (if provided) from ‘@cpm Email’ column and paste it to the ‘CC:’ email line.
Remove the ‘Internal Note:’ paragraph EXCEPT if the email is only intended for the RC.
Create a Multi-User PIN. After the PIN is created, you will insert it into the letter and format the letter (see Create the Multi-User PIN procedure below).

7. Format the email: Remove the current style(s) and make the 'Event Name' and following line 14pt. Bold. Also make the PIN 18pt and bold.

Highlight the email content from RC and Contact Name to Preview PIN.
Right click and select ‘Remove Style’. 
7c. Highlight the ‘Event Name’ and ‘Preview Dates’ and change Font Style to BOLD and Font Size to 14 pt
Highlight the Preview PIN and change Font Style to BOLD and Font Size to 18 pt.
Delete the first two lines on your draft email.

8. Send the email.

9. In CPM eBook Preview Set-up Request Google Sheet, add "Completed, <your initials> " under Column AR. Highlight the entire row to green to indicate that it is completed.

Create Multi-user PIN


Note: You will need to be a license provider of the Multi-user licenses.

2. Click 'CPM Records' dropdown list and select 'Unternal Records'.

3. Click 'Previews, Workshops & Conferences' .

4. Click 'Create a new Preview

5. Copy the 'Preview Name', 'Preview Start Date', and 'Preview End Date' from either the Google Sheet or the draft email and paste them to the corresponding text boxes in the ELS website.

6. Enter the Licenses Allowed from the requested amount of license (remember to multiply the # of licenses by the number of eBooks to get the total from the Google Sheet).

7. Enter the name of the RC on the 'Preview RC' and 'Teacher Leader' text boxes.

8. Click the 'Preview Type' dropdown list and select 'Long-Term Preview'.

9. Click the 'License Used for Preview' text box and select the requested licenses from 'Multi-user PINs' pool.

Note: You may need to add additional licenses to the PIN if there is no bundle (See 'Add an eBook' procedure below).

10. Click 'Save' button.

Note: A PIN will be generated after clicking 'Save' button.

11. Copy the generated PIN and paste it to the draft email.

Add an eBook

1. Enter the PIN#.

2. Click 'View' button.

3. Click 'eBooks' tab.

4. Click 'Add an eBook' button.

5. Click the 'eBook' dropdown list and select the eBook that needs to be added.

6. Click 'Add book' button.

Year end archive

Create new Google sheet tab.

Rename tab to year getting archived and update the first tab to the current year.

Cell A4 in the first tab contains a Query function that copies data from the Form Responses 1 tab.  You don't need the Query function in the archive tab. Copy the data from first tab except for A4 to the new archive tab you just created.  Enter manually the data in cell A4.

Now you can delete the old data in tab2 -Form Responses 1.


CPM eBook Preview Form (Responses) Google sheet Year-end procedure(https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WquSdvbni2uZRTkaKb-jvemmH1LUpacjwE1ZPW8TVd8/edit#gid=465734996)

  • The sheet with the purple form icon contains the Form responses.  To archive this year, create a new sheet.
  • Copy the current sheet (first sheet with the purple form icon) data to the new sheet you just created.
  • Rename the current form response sheet (with the purple icon) to the new year.
  • Delete the data under the titles from the current form response sheet (with the purple icon). 
  • Rename the newly created sheet to ‘Form Response 20XX), where ‘XX’ is the archived year.
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