CPM Staff Tutorials

How do I get an iPad Cell Data Subscription?

Updated on

This tutorial shows the steps for turning on cellular data package.

Be sure you are connecte to Wi-Fi for this to work!  So turn on your iPad's cellular Data package before you leave on your trip. Tap the Settings App.  It is usually on the first screen.

Be sure you are connecte to Wi-Fi for this to work!  So turn on your iPad's cellular Data package before you leave on your trip. Tap the Settings App.  It is usually on the first screen.

Tap Cellular Data.

Tap Cellular Data.

The Cellular Data should be 'Off' because you are using Wi-Fi. Tap 'View Account.'

The Cellular Data should be 'Off' because you are using Wi-Fi. Tap 'View Account.'

Set up an account if you need to.  I choose the cheapest plan.  You can always add to it if you need more.  Then turn Celular Data 'On' when you are on the road and 'Off' when you are home connecte to Wi-Fi.

Set up an account if you need to.  I choose the cheapest plan.  You can always add to it if you need more.  Then turn Celular Data 'On' when you are on the road and 'Off' when you are home connecte to Wi-Fi.
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