CPM Staff Tutorials

How to work with tables in C3PO

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1. Tables For Tile Pattern Figures
  1. Select the table Icon from the toolbar menu.
  2. Select a square for each column and row needed in the table.  For example a 3X4 table.

If you are adding additional columns and the cell size is not correct, uncheck Fixed Width and SUBMIT.  Then go to settings again and check Fixed Width --> SUBMIT.  This will resolve the issue.

2. Merged Cells and Column Width

When you have a table with merged cells, set each column to the correct width and do not set a width for merged cells.

3. Column wrap button: "Column Stacking Breakpoint"

When a column container is used and the widow or screensize is reduced, the images or tables in the column container can start to over lap.

How to change when the column containers stop shrinking and start wrapping.

  1. Place your curser in the column container.
  2. Choose a size from the "Column Stacking Breakpoint" tool.

If you set the columns to be md, for example, the columns will break into a single-column layout when the screen or window is 720px or less.

4. Existing Tables and New Settings

Some of the settings for tables have changed.  The new settings do not render in eBooks until the container or page has been re-saved in C3PO.

For example: Blank text lines in tables now render in eBooks.  If your table has blank lines, they will now show by effecting the height of the cells.

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