CPM Staff Tutorials

Creating and Editing Homework Help Hints

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While you are editing in C3PO, some problems may need Homework Help hints created or rearranged. This is the procedure for how to create and edit the hint, step, and answer boxes.

1. Locate a Homework Help Problem

This is taken from Precalculus V3 problem 8-15. As you can see this problem does not have any hints created yet.

If it does not have hints or steps created, refer to the local HomeworkAdmin website to see if there were hints written for the problem previously. If the HomeworkAdmin site has hints written for that problem, take what was written there and use it for the Homework Help steps in C3PO.

After referring to the HomeworkAdmin site and you still cannot find anything written, please contact Carol or Renae to see if there needs to be homework help hints written for that specific problem.

2. Creating New Hint Boxes
  1. Click on the checkbox icon to create a new hint
  2. Click on the question mark in the circle icon to insert homework help hint toggle
  3. A popup will appear asking you to choose which hint you wish to link. Choose the first Hint you created.

4. After you chose which hint to link to, a new space dotted in red underneath the hint box will appear. This indicates that whatever you type into this space will be linked to this first hint box.

3. Color Coding Hints

After you have typed in the homework help text or image for the hint box, you will need to color code it.

Refer to the Legacy Site: Homework Help: Colors tutorial for how to color code each type of hint.

Hints: Lavendar

Answer: Pink

Steps: Pale Pink

Other: Medium Orchid

eTool: Khaki

(The khaki color is used only for the blurb that comes before inserting a Desmos calculator or external eTool graph into C3PO.)

  1. Click on the hint box you created and then click on the "A" in the box icon to change the color. Since this is a hint, select the lavendar color.
  2. Next, select the text you wrote for the hint and highlight the line lavendar as well. This will indicate in Homework Help that the text coordinates to the hint.
4. Toggle Homework Help Only Content

After you have color coded your hint, you will also need to make sure these hints for Homework help only display on the Homework Help website and NOT in the eBooks too.

1. Highlight the whole hint (step and hint box) and select the Toggle Homework Help only content (block) icon.

It will indicate the section will only show up on Homework Help because the block is now highlighted in a pale red color.

2. Save and publish your work!

5. Arranging Hint Boxes in Succession

After you create a new hint and linked it, you will also need to know how to rearrange the hint boxes into the appropriate steps.

  1. To create a second hint box after the first, click after the first hint's line of text and insert a new space.
  2. In this new line, select the checkbox icon to create a new second hint box. You can tell this second hint box is linked to the first hint box because it is in the same block that is outlined in green.
  3. Rename your hints by double clicking into the hint box.

4. Click right after Hint 2's box and select the Insert Homework Help Hint toggle to link your hint to the text you will put in.

5. Click on Hint 2 in the popup box.

6. Insert the text for Hint 2 in the new line.

Now you have two hints in succession that are linked to each other! This means Hint 2 will not appear until Hint 1's checkbox is clicked on first.

Save and publish your work (if finished).

Editing Existing Homework Help Hints

This is how you can edit existing homework help hints if they are not formatted correctly or need to be redone due to screen reader accessibility issues.

This is the same problem as shown above. However, this time it has step and hint boxes in columns. We need to rearrange the hints because the screen reader will not read the hints in the right order.  

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