CPM Staff Tutorials

Creating a New Sequence Container

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While you edit in C3PO, sometimes you may need to reformat or create a new sequence container. These are the steps to create a new sequence container for homework help problems.

1. Find a Homework Help Problem

This is Algebra Connections problem 9-40. It has hints and an answer but it does not have a sequence container.

2. Create a New Sequence Container
  1. Click above the hints and use the two column option.
  2. In the right column, click the "insert a sequence container" icon
  3. Press enter a few times to create more space in the sequence container
4. How to Make Sequence Containers Screen Reader Accessible

Please refer to the next tutorial Procedure for Making Sequence Containers Screen Reader Accessible

It will explain how to make sequence containers screen reader accessible on the homework help website.

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