1. Complete the following:
- Check to see that the owner is NOT your CPM email but your personal email.
- Share the document with your [email protected].
- Open the document in your CPM Google account.
2. In your CPM Google account, create a copy of the file.
3. Check the following:
- The title will have the word "Copy" in it.
- Share it with the same people so that you know who it was originally shared with.
4. Share the "copy" with each person using their CPM email unless they do not have CPM email.
- Share the "copy" with each person using his/her CPM email unless he/she does not have a CPM email.
- Then delete all of the non CPM email that has been shared with their CPM email.
5. Go back to your personal google account and:
- Delete all of the shared people.
- The only person left will be yourself as owner.
- Then "Remove" the file!
- You can now go back to your CPM Google Account and delete the "Copy" from the file name.