CPM Staff Tutorials

Using CPM Google and Google Suite of tools

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This article describes how CPM employees interact with Google and its suite of tools.  CPM is a Non-Profit Google company.

Using your Google CPM email to sign into Google and CPM apps

Most of us have personal Google emails.

  1. Avoid confusing your personal Google email from your CPM Google email by using a different profile picture  than  your personal  Google profile picture. Your CPM Google email DOES NOT end in gmail.com.  But it is a Google email!
  2. Each day, check to make sure you are logged into Google using your CPM email.  Otherwise, you will not be able to access CPM files or apps requiring a Google login. For example, when logging into my.cpm.org, just click the Google button as long as you are already logged into your CPM Google account.
Use Shared Drives

1. CREATE and STORE shared Google docs, sheets, and slides in CPM Shared drives.

Choose a shared drive.

  • Create your file within the shared drive.  
  • Everyone shared with the shared drive will have access to any files within that drive.
  • If you want someone else to have access who should not have access to the entire shared drive, you can share:
    • The file itself with others OR
    • Share the folder where the file is located with others who are not shared on the entire shared drive.

2. MOVE files to a shared drive if you first created it in your personal drive.

DO NOT just share it with others!  This will keep you as the owner! Instead MOVE the file, to a shared drive.

Move the file following these steps.

  1. Go to file and select 'Move'.
  2. Toggle to the desired Shared drive. Once you are in the shared drive.  Click 'Move here'.  
Using Google docs, sheets, & powerpoint

In general, CPM is a Google company and creates most files using Google docs, sheets, and Slides.  Please check with your supervisor for exceptions to this as certain positions do require the use of say Microsoft Office.

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