CPM Staff Tutorials

Moving Freshdesk Tickets to Hubspot

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Any open tickets in Freshdesk will need to be moved to Hubspot so that all responses to customers are coming from Hubspot after 4pm PST on February 7, 2025. Please follow these steps to move any in-progress, unresolved tickets.

1. Find the ticket in Freshdesk.

Navigate to the open ticket in Freshdesk.

2. Screenshot the ticket information using the GoFullPage Chrome extension.

Follow these instructions to capture a screenshot of the page. This will allow you to capture any internal comments that may have been made on the ticket that won’t transfer to Hubspot in the forwarded email.

3. Forward the Freshdesk ticket to [email protected].

At the bottom of the ticket, click "Forward".

Enter [email protected] as the To address and click Forward.

4. Find forwarded ticket in Hubspot.

Open Help Desk in Hubspot. Find the ticket you just forwarded and click on the ticket to open up the conversation.

Because the ticket is coming from a channel connected to Help Desk, it may appear in the Spam folder. If you find the ticket in the Spam folder, click "Mark as not spam" at the top of the page, and then go back to All Unassigned to find the ticket.

You should be seeing a page that looks like this.

5. Assign yourself as the ticket owner in Hubspot.

Select the "Ticket owner" dropdown on the right side of the screen and choose your name.

6. Rename the ticket.

If the ticket has a ticket name starting with "Fwd: ... ", you should rename the ticket to not cause any confusion with the customer. The ticket name also becomes the subject line of the email the customer receives.

On the right hand side, next to About this ticket, select Actions and then View All Properties. Use the search box and search for Ticket Name.

Edit the ticket name to remove the "Fwd: " at the beginning and then click Save on the bottom of the screen.

7. Add contact(s) to ticket.

In the forwarded email, you should be able to find the email address of who created the ticket. Copy this email address, then scroll down to where it says Contacts (0) on the right side of the screen. Click “+ Add”.

Select the Create new tab and paste the email address you copied in the email field.

If you get an error that "This email address already belongs to a contact in your database", that's because the contact already exists. If this happens, move to the Add existing tab, paste the email address there, and select the checkbox next to the contact. Then click Next and Save.

Finish filling out the contact information, set the contact owner to No owner and select Create.

If there are multiple contacts being emailed, repeat the same steps to add additional contacts to the ticket, starting with clicking "+ Add" next to Contacts.

8. Upload the screenshot of the Freshdesk ticket to Hubspot.

On the right side of the screen, scroll down to "Attachments", select “+ Add” then Your computer, then find the screenshot file and upload. 

9. Reply to the customer.

In your reply, make sure to select the email address(es) of your contact(s) instead of sending an email reply to [email protected]

Select the three dots on the email editor to see which email your response is coming from. The default is whatever channel the email came in from - in this case, [email protected]. If you need to respond from another email, like [email protected], you can select that from the list.

10. Close the Freshdesk ticket.

Now that the ticket is represented in Hubspot, close out the ticket in Freshdesk.

All done!

Congratulations, you are done!